Sunday 9 October 2011

I Miss You ..

The feeling of missing someone ..
It feels sweet when you are in Love ..
Yet, painful when you're out of it .. 
Tormenting, when you are guessing whether that person is thinking of you too ..
Amazing, when that person says "I Miss You too", all the insecurities were swept away ..

No matter how it is, it's hard to stop our hearts from missing the ones we love dearly ..
Everyone has their own experiences of missing someone in their life ..
And each has their own ways of expressing it ..
Some showed it through words, while some in actions ..

A lot of people love to say "I Miss You" too easily ..
I've always pondered on this, "Do they really mean it?"
Actually, some say "I Miss you" just for the sake of saying it .. 
Sad but True ..

Some showed their affections through actions ..
They seldom say "I Miss You" but are showing it in all the possible ways ..
The small unromantic gestures are actually the most simple and basic rules of being Romantic .. 

I would want someone that will hug me even when he's feeling tired ..
Someone that will kiss me when we are having arguments ..
To wipe my tears away when I'm crying .. 
Giving me a piggyback rides when I'm tired .. 
When I'm hungry, he will cook for me because he would not want me to starve ..   
And he won't mind listening to my gibberish talks with a smile on his face ..  : )

Someone that will make me feel loved and missed from his actions, rather than honeyed words from his lips ..
I will not tell him that his small gestures are going to be rooted deeply in my Heart .. 
Because, that's my little secret ..  :P

Someday, when I sit in his hugs playfully forcing him to say "I Miss You", that will be the day he enters my Heart completely ..  : )