Friday 12 August 2011

Will you write my name in the sands for me?

One day, if you ever went to the beach, will you write my name in the sands for me?

I've always wanted someone to write my name or perhaps draw my face in the sands, and then to snap a picture of it for me ..

It may seemed childish, but it showed how much that person cares for me and how he doesn't mind doing silly things just to bring a smile to my face ..  : )

A lot of people have forgotten the simple ways of bringing happiness into another person's life ..
When we were young, we used to create surprises for special ones .. 
The feeling of excitement while waiting to see their reactions and the satisfaction we get from the smiles on their faces were priceless ..

Sadly, these were mostly forgotten as we grew up .. 
The harsh realities of the world have trained each and every one of us to think more wisely ..
The inner kid in us have been locked deep down in hearts .. 
We have to be careful of how we speak and act in front of others .. 
Afraid that we will be ridiculed and laugh at every mistakes that we've made and real faces were always camouflaged in front of strangers .. 

I'm not a childish person, but I tend to do funny kiddie things to amuse myself .. 
To remind myself that I'm trying hard to live my life the way I want it to be and not how Life had in stored for me .. 
And to feel the simplicity of Happiness that can't be exchange with anything in the world ..

I would like to imagine that I were you when you were writing my name in the sands ..
Will you laugh and giggle over your silliness? 
Perhaps your face feels hot from the stares of strangers? 
Or will your face beam with excitement just by anticipating my reactions upon seeing it?
Touching my heart, I would like to feel how your heart yearns to make me happy ..

No matter how your handwriting looks like, I know that you are doing it for me and my heart will feel warm and fuzzy just by thinking of it .. 
To me, it's means a lot more than just an action of writing .. 

So, the next time when you go to the beach, will you release your inner kid and do silly things for me?  


  1. u will and u always hv one with u .. always as always ..

  2. I haven't got anyone that's willing to do that for me yet .. Haha .. =)

  3. xiao sha gua .. u got one ya .. *wink wink * monster pat* .. u not gonna get online today .. ???

  4. When did I have one? >_<
    Just got online ..
    Hey, it's your birthday tomorrow ..
    Happy Birthday !! :D

  5. 我还记得,那时她把我的名字写在沙滩上的感觉。

  6. Alan .. The small sweet things that she had done for you will stay in your heart forever .. : )

  7. If u wan to see... i still have the photo in my laptop. Not posted in facebook or google+. hehehe...

  8. Yes .. Send it to me through whatsapp when you're free ya .. : )

  9. hahaa look like u miss somebody to create a badge for u hah hehe gudluck
